Audio pitch mode (MI-4 / MI-6 pinpointer)
The sound varies in tone and intensity, it offers a more precise target location.
Discrimination enables undesirable targets to be rejected by raising or lowering a threshold below which certain metals are differentiated.
This adjustment can be made visually with a digital display of the targets and / or via an audio mode in order to discriminate undesirable targets using a selected audio tone.
Electronic circuit
An (ultra-miniature) electronic circuit, incorporated into the search coil, digitises and analyses the signals. Data is then sent to the headphones and remote control in real time via a digital radio link. With this method, the signal is processed at source and not conveyed via a wire link, which greatly improves data quality.
Full tone mode
The FULL TONE mode will produce a slightly different tone for each target ID value based on a sliding scale. The higher the target’s conductivity, the higher the tone will be. Iron typically will produce a low tone, while silver produces a high tone. See the figure on page 9 to see where specific types of targets fall in terms of conductivity.
The first role of the headphones is to reproduce audible signals and sound frequencies.
Like the remote control, the XP WS4 and WS5 headphones contain all the components needed for detection. They are a genuine control unit in themselves. They take over in the absence of the remote control for adjusting the detector settings. With the headphones you can turn the Dēus on and off, change the main detection settings as well as selecting the factory programs or those previously configured with the remote control.

Lithium polymer battery (LiPo)
The LiPo batteries are designed to bear hundreds of charges and to last several years in your detector, thus resulting in significant savings in terms of purchase of batteries. After 300 to 400 charging cycles the battery still has 80% of its capacity, which then gradually begins to decrease over subsequent cycles. As an indication, the batteries should last for around 3 to 4 years when used on a weekly basis.
Non-motion mode
The non-motion mode allows the user to operate the coil motionless above a target. It is useful to locate metal targets inside houses, cellars; also it is widely used to follow underground metal pipes.
The Notch complements the discrimination: it enables a "target window" to be rejected whereas discrimination rejects all targets below a selected threshold. For example, if you detect a redundant, undesirable target in the ground, you can decide just to reject the corresponding conductivity group and continue to detect targets with a conductivity higher or lower than those in the group.
Pitch mode
Pitch mode is completely different from the others. It does not take into account the target’s conductivity: the strength of the signal generates an audio signal that varies both in volume and height (the audio frequency). This means that a more distant target will generate a low-pitched, weak sound whereas a closer target will generate a high-pitched, strong sound. Pitch mode gives a dynamic signal. It also makes the detector appear more reactive. However, it does not fundamentally affect reactivity, just the audio.
Pulse audio mode (MI-4 / MI-6 Pinpointer)
Higher sound, for noisy environments. Target location is not as precise as PITCH mode. PULSE has the same performance as PITCH mode.
Pumping is a semi-automatic process which allows you to adjust the ground balance in a zone that you wish to search and have determined it as being an overall average soil type. Henceforth, the measured value of the ground is used as the new active ground balance value.
The Reactivity is a vital setting that determines the detector’s performance in terms of how quickly it analyses the signal from detected objects and its ability to separate the signal response from two targets located close together. This is also known as Recovery speed. If the soil contains a great deal of iron, hot rocks or other mineralised debris, soil penetration can be drastically reduced. On the other hand, if the ground is "clean", it is better to reduce the Reactivity and sweep slowly, in order to make the machine more sensitive to deep masses and obtain better soil penetration.
Remote control
The "Remote Control" is the user interface, known as the ‘control box’ on conventional detectors. It enables the detector’s many functions to be precisely adjusted via a graphical interface. It can also receive program updates

Retune (MI-4 / MI-6 Pinpointer)
Retune means re-calibrate.
When operating, you can re-calibrate the Pinpointer by briefly pressing the button while away from any metallic source. On mineralized ground and salt water, it is advised to re-calibrate while in contact with the ground. To obtain a precise target location, re-calibrate near to the object, the detection zone will now be reduced.
Sensitivity is often simplistically described as the setting which adjusts the device’s power level. However this is incorrect. As its name indicates, it actually determines the device’s sensitivity level. It reacts after receiving a signal via the receiver coil. Nevertheless, the results are somewhat similar in practice, as increasing a device’s sensitivity enables it to detect the presence of more distant targets. However it must be noted that this setting has no effect on the power emitted.
A target represents all the metal objects that can be detected by a metal detector.
Telescopic stem
The patented XP stem has the combined advantages of an S-shaped stem and a straight telescopic stem. It enables you to deploy or fold away the device in just a few seconds, and to change the coil in an instant. Its user-friendly design ensures comfort and convenience for the user: length adjustable by millimetre increments, improved operating angle and shaped rubber handle for a firm, controlled grip

In this mode, the Dēus repeatedly scans the ground and digitally filters the extracted signals to determine the mean value on a continual basis. This mode may be useful in soils with relatively uniform mineralisation, and where the mineralisation varies gradually from zone to zone, which is often the case in naturally mineralised ground. In this case, the Dēus automatically readjusts the ground balance according to the most recent value measured. However, in ground where mineralisation is a result of human presence (ancient settlements, for example) this mode may be unsuitable due to ever changing ground conditions. Indeed, within the same sweep of just one meter, a considerable variety of ground conditions may be encountered, ranging from one extreme to the other (values between 70 and 90): hot rocks, brick, slag, pottery interspersed with soil that is neutral or characterised by diverse mineralisation. This may be to such an extent that any mean value would be meaningless.